Monday, 24 August 2015

Sea day – 23 August

Had a lateish start.  Went up to the Horizon Court which was heaving and then pottered about.  The sea was a little choppy but we definitely seem to have our sea legs.

We went to the cookery demo which was really good and then we watched the cha-cha and Irish dancing classes.  It was pub lunch again today.  To Catherine’s dismay the menu had changed, so no steak and kidney pie.  She had chicken curry instead and E had fish and chips as usual.  We opted out of the dessert as it was sherry trifle, not b and b pudding and we reckon we’ve eaten enough recently anyway!

We had the Platinum and above loyalty event.  C discovered that she likes rum punch!

Tonight we went to the show which, again, was excellent.  The entertainment on here continues to be some of the best we have seen on ships.

The party theme tonight was The British Invasion so the Piazza was decked out although as usual there wasn’t much evidence of the English part of Britain in the decor!  However, when it came to the music it seems that the only Brits ever to write any songs were Lennon and McCartney!

That is probably it for this blog.  The ship is in Le Havre on 24 August.  We expect the ship to be quiet as the excursions are long to such as Paris and the Normandy beaches.  We will spend the day enjoying the ship, packing, going to the gym and to the trivia quizzes.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and of course Harris.  We’ve loved this ship.  The TV programme about Royal Princess was not at all accurate.  The crew are excellent.  We do wonder sometimes how they continue to smile when faced with bizarre requests mainly from US passengers e.g. A triple large vanilla latte with 3 shots of coffee – whatever that might be!

The passengers as expected have been mainly US, but we there are also Australians, Italians, Spaniards and French Canadians as well as a few Brits.  There are several large tour groups and a fair share of mobility scooters!


  1. Looks like you had the 'Beau Belles' plus some men to entertain you. And Harris says she is everyone, not everyone and Harris!!

    Hope you have your review notes ready to send to Cruise.Co.Uk when you get back so that we can get our free copy of the latest Berlitz Cruise Guide!

    Looks like you've had a great time ....

  2. We know that about H! Can't wait to see her. Hope she doesn't give us the cold shoulder. We can soon put a review together if you remind us of the headings. We are pretty well packed. Just having a shower and then off to a quiz! There's a Sound of Music quiz tonight which we thought might be another of our strengths! Just watching the start of Woman in Gold which looks good. xxxx
